Hellfire - Video production company. London

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What Makes a Creative Agency Great?

When you walk around the Hellfire Creative Studios space, it's always clear that you're somewhere very special. It's hard to put into text why that is, but the vibe here at Hellfire is like none other I've ever experienced in any other work place.

I asked CEOs Ben Mills and Andy Haynes what they thought the secret to the studios success could be. Why do people love coming to and shooting with Hellfire Creative? What exactly makes a Creative Agency so great, anyway?

Ben's initial response was, typically, a practical one.

"An open plan work space", he mused. "Somewhere where you can walk around and see what everybody is working on. Feeding off each other." The idea of people feeding off of each other's idea within the agency is something very evident at Hellfire Creative, and the relationships established within it. Office doors are always open, and creatives are always seen walking through and dipping in and out of spaces, checking in on each other, creating a friendly ethos buzzing with comradery as well as imaginative ideas.

"A great Creative Agency should be a space where everybody is comfortable accepting feedback on everything," Ben said. "A collaborative ethos is everything. Think of it as an elastic, stretching to fit and accommodate everybody and everybody's ideas."

Andy nodded in agreement of Ben, and began feeding off his point, illustrating exactly what he meant by everybody chipping in and rolling with each other's ideas. "Versatility is important too," he said, "every member of the team versatile." Again, it's the image of that metaphoric elastic stretching and morphing as and when it's needed.

"The agency should also have a signature style", Ben offered, but, honing in on Andy's point about versatility, added; "but one that's adaptable and able to evolve." Personally, I think that's one of the things that has always impressed and inspired me when coming to Hellfire Creative. The "signature style" the boys have created is echoed in so many ways. The Hellfire Creative branding, the boy's typical editing style, their podcast, the way the studios themselves have been designed.... it is undeniable that Hellfire Creative has a very strong signature look. But it's also really clear when looking at their past projects and the wide variety of work they've undertaken just how far that elastic can stretch. There are plenty of examples of work produced that you'd never guess had come from these studios if you didn't know. Ben and Andy are like creative chameleons; blending and adapting themselves to fit into whatever the individual project requires of them. It is their inherent ability to constantly adapt and fit the brief that brings them so many loyal clients that know they'll never be disappointed with content produced at Hellfire Creative.

Finally, the boy's third and final point when answering what makes a Creative Agency great, is another practical one: the equipment.

"It's so important that a great agency is technologically up to date," Ben said. "That's why we are constantly investing and upgrading tools to get the best out of a project." Again, walking around the Hellfire Studios, it is evident that you're working within a state of the art environment. It feels like every time I visit, something has changed from last time. The space is constantly evolving and it is clear that the boys invest a lot of money into making sure they have the very latest software ( and hardware!) at their fingertips.

It is always evident when stepping foot into Hellfire Creative that you're in an amazing space. I urge you to pay Ben and Andy a visit here, so that you can see exactly what I mean. It's a vibe; something you sense as soon as you put your foot in the door. Meeting with Ben and Andy, you learn very quickly what these guys are about and their enthusiasm and passion for their work radiates across the whole team. If you're looking for a great Creative Agency to take on projects for your business...stop the search. You've found them.