Why Video? A 3 part deep dive into video content creation.

Before we begin allow me to make one thing clear. We make videos. It’s what we do as a passion, it’s what we do as a business and it’s what we do to put food on our tables. So of course we’re going to sit here and champion the reasons for you to make a video (hopefully with us), that goes without saying. 

But if you put the thought of sales patter to one side and focus on the facts, then you’ll see that understanding the importance of video for your brand is critical when it comes to running a successful venture. And in a digital age where content is king, the reason to create your own branded visuals is simple:

Online video accounts for 74% of all online traffic and 55% of people watch videos online every day.* With stats like that, It goes without saying that video is one of the most effective ways to make people aware of your brand. In fact, according to Google/YouTube including a video on a landing page can increase conversion by 80%.**

So if video is so damn important why aren’t more brands doing it? Well they probably are... they just aren’t doing it right! 

So in this 3 part blog we’re going to try and give some more detail on the reasons why video is important, what you should be making and some ways you can make it work better and go further. 



Part One - Why should you use video?

1 - Search engine Rankings

That alone should be the reason your company has video content. It works the same way the SEO for your website works; the more content about a specialist subject, the higher your rankings. In addition to that if you upload a video to YouTube at 4K, it has a higher chance of making the first page of rankings.

2 - Connection

Creating regular video content, or just having a one off video about your company creates a connection with potential clients. You’re making people aware of your brand in a new exciting and personal way.  The one thing everyone says when it comes to being successful online is “Consistency” but we’ll save that word for part 3.

3 - Show Knowledge

It’s not just brand awareness where video can help... 4 out of 5 consumers believe that demo videos are invaluable when it comes to big ticket purchases and online shoppers who view demo videos are almost twice as likely to purchase than non-viewers. 1.81 times as likely to be exact. (https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/features/youtube-playbook/)

So we need video content to boost rankings, create a connection with potential or current clients. And lastly we can use videos to show knowledge of a product or subject. 

In part 2 we’re going to delve deeper into what content you should be making, and how to make it.


Why Video? Part 2 - How to make great video content


The Christmas Ad - Emotional Rollercoaster or Heartless Joyride