Hellfire - Video production company. London

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Why Video? Part 2 - How to make great video content

When it comes to the importance of having a video to represent your brand, we established “THE WHY” in last weeks blog; now it’s time to talk about “THE WHAT.” What does your video need to make it stand out versus the rest? 

Well, here are 3 short tips to help ensure your video content is more engaging than your competitors whilst allowing your audience to see the real you.

1 - Be Unique

This is your video, it needs to represent your brand and your expertise.

There’s no point making videos similar to your competitors in the market as you will very quickly get lost in the ether. 

Think hard about what you have to offer; do you work differently to your rivals? What’s sets you apart? It could be something as simple as excellent customer service and if that’s the case, you need to ensure you’re letting everyone know about it! How? By putting it in your video of course!

2 - Be Consistent

One video is good, lots of videos is great.

If you can consistently create awesome unique video content that shows your knowledge, unique personalities and gives something back to the audience on a regular basis you’re on the right track. Set yourself a reasonable upload schedule, and film episodes in blocks so you can make sure you’ve always got enough to maintain it.

Where possible, make your content topical; it shows you are on point with current market trends thus securing your relevance in your brands sector.

3 - Be Critical 

And we mean critical of your own work, if you’re creating this content yourself...

Get someone to critique it every step of the way. You don’t have to listen to everything they say but it will help make sure you don’t make any epic errors of judgement. The more people that give your video content a critique, the more chance you have of catching something before it goes out to the public.

More so, it also ensures you are getting a sense of viewers responses (from an albeit, tiny pool) before your video is put out to the wider world. If a common trend appears then you have every opportunity to rectify it before it goes public.

Remember to tell your story, tell it regularly and make sure you get a critical eye on the final cut before you release it!

Join us next week for part 3 of our series where we’re going to give some advice on getting your content into peoples feeds and making them watch. It’s not easy, but there are some ways to increase organic reach of original video content.

In the meantime, if you’d like to know anything more about making great video conten, drop us an email at info@thehellfireclub.co.